Media Assembly Kit on Github

WordPress + AMIMOTO AMI + Media FrameWork + Technical Support.

What is Media Assembly Kit?

Media Assembly Kit is a service that provides a platform for hassle-free web media operation.

The Content Management side is by WordPress, providing strong hosting in traffic because it’s powered by Amimoto AMI – where we provide dedicated technical support, so you do not have to think of system management and server environment. This comfortable Media Assembly Kit lets you carry on with your daily tasks and operation so you need not worry about anything else.

Media Assembly Kit JSON REST API

In the Media Assembly Kit REST API plugin, we will provide an endpoint that has not been provided by the WordPress JSON REST API.

Media Assembly Kit Theme

This is a hybrid theme combined with a WordPress theme.
Designs vary on the device, whether it’s mobile or desktop.
It retrieves values and settings of custom menus, widgets and others via JSON from WordPress and show them.

Media Assembly simple Template

A simple theme that consists only of HTML + CSS + JavaScript (jQuery). Data acquisition and display are all by JavaScript. You may also change the layout and appearance of HTML or CSS to suit your preferences.